Starak Brilliant Idea Chapter Three

Complaint a failure product and negative comment on your blog

In real company, we have real product seen product or services product can be complained by our costumers or people around us. Maybe our product has physical detect on it, so people demonstrate and complaint our company with negative comments or violently if our product had been proven as failure product and somebody out there died because of our product.

The case also happens in internet. The different is, company and product is in real equal to our website (company) and article (product). When people (user) disagreed with our opinion and said something negative opinion, attacked with angry comment or published our company and the failure article in forum, what should we do?

Yaro Starak, My Idol has the answer. The answer was send to me by his newsletter. I subscribe him website, so I can hear what Starak ideas up to date.

Starak introduced his article with who is COWBOYS? To Starak COWBOYS means users who attacked our opinion (article), complain our opinion, even harm and disturb our good name in internet. They left a comment in our website, with violently opinion, critique us too loud and more. They (COWBOYS) thought that they have best opinion or we are the loser, no good opinion a few stupid men and more. Sometimes, COWBOYS activities have a goal, to introduce their name in internet, try to increase their traffic with controversial comment or statement about something.

They forgot one thing, according to Starak. Starak said, don’t care with those COWBOYS. In the beginning people loved them, they got high traffic, but later, internet will know who they are.

COWBOYS have an advantage for us, they analysis our opinion with as outsider, they did well as editor, spelling and grammar made by Microsoft Word, so we know that our article has many interpretations.

If COWBOYS still harm us, maybe we turn to angry and we were suffered and we area ready to opened battle. Starak said, It is no use, but contra comment is a way to response or to confirmation their opinion.


Starak put good answer, I mean that. Product unequal with article! Article is our opinion, and nobody attacked us because of he thought our article went wrong. If someone read your article it means he had been buying it since he finished his reading.

Don’t think about the cowboys, users will find their self to see who is right and who is wrong. Don’t be scare and shy to show your opinion. If someone types comment in your website, it means your opinion is sold later, you can use their comment and their critique to improve your better performance. Only users (COWBOYS) will help you to find your little lack, your mistake in opinion and help you to improve your opinion or your grammar.

Visit Starak Website


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