School is only for Clever and Rich Student

My friend said that formal education (school) is only for rich and clever students. His opinion based on the facts that in the past School (formal education) is only for them. Marginal People have no access in it. Season has changed but the philosophy is on. Formal education is expensive because we must pay teacher for their knowledge and sacrifice in getting the knowledge. If someone says Formal education is cheap, he/she has no academic title and he/she is stupid.

A doctor spent thousand Dollars to get his title so he has authority as teachers. As the same logic, we must respect with the doctors for his sacrifice. Education (Formal education) has been becoming human right, indicating that all people have full access to get it. No one can restrict us. We had seen and this phenomenon is always run in the past present and future. Survival needs high education level (quality human resource), in order to we can get better job, better salary and better future. All people, including parents try to schooling their sweaty (their kids) in top school. They don’t care about money; all they think is their kids’ future. They fight force to get money, add works hours or borrow fresh money for their kids.

Either (parents with middle monthly income, and lower) try to change their kids’ future. They need loans while active job can give extra money. Government has been aiding those poor students through scholarship programs, establishing new state school, cut the premium for poor students. Government plays their roles as Public Services Organization but can’t do more. Government has budget constraint.

Beside Government, many third parties try to help parent’s dream to school their kids in top university, college and in others formal education. Based on my knowledge and information, lenders offer great loans for high school students, undergraduate students, and graduate student. Because of the loans aren’t for business, lenders understand well about this. Loans are for social activity, so they offer the loan package with lower requirements, and easy to payback. While their offer the loans for education, they also offer another feature, debt consolidation or student loan consolidation cash back program. This feature is very helpful for students or parents who have some loans for education (school).

For more information about student loans for high school, graduate and undergraduate students, take a time to stay at student loan dir where all loans for students are listed. You also lean about the procedure from apply–approval process–transfer money–payback your loans. Great feature is loans consolidation program. This program helps people (student and parent) who have multiple loans, to keep their credit record because with this program, students can reschedule and consolidate their loans into one loan. Student’s loans benefit is you don’t have multiple students’ loans deadline. Only one deadline if you use the program. One more, through consolidation program, monthly installment will be lower.

More deeply, students can choose Student Loan Consolidation Cash Back program. This program looks like refinancing and saving. In my opinion, you must save large dollar so every month, they (lenders) give you 1 percent (mostly) from your total dollar, larger amount of dollar, you get larger, but in case, we assume you are seeking money, for students loans so basically we haven’t the large dollar.

For young parents, this site is amazing for you in the future when you need money when your kids grow teens, when they enter high school. Student loan dir also lists all federal loans for students and others federal include student loan consolidation. Federal (government) has an obligation to help students for their better future, because students are future generation and federal assets.

Academic title is standard in ern live in metropolis city. Higher academic title corresponds with better job and better salary. Poor parents fight force to borrow student loan so their kids will change their future. Next generation must better than elder. We need student loan for their better future, choosing best loan categories and best lenders will help and prevent you from bad credit. Private Loans maybe higher interest rate than student loans consolidation powered by others loans type and federal student loan. Check those requirements, read careful before approval decision.


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