Education–Government and PSO

Some friends argued that America is welfare state. As outsider watchers, they got some reasons why the statement is launched. They saw America is the World Police, Leading in Industry, Technology, and Income per capita. But in my opinion; their statement went wrong. Based on my lectures, my own analysis after reading some books and newspaper; America is semi–welfare state, development country especially. My argumentations were American is not in top ten highest income per capita country, high criminal rate, high unemployment. I don’t put education in my argumentation.

In other side, another friend said that education (school) is only for rich and clever students. I agreed with him. Although education (knowledge) is transparent and human right, we must pay high (expensive) to get the knowledge. American Government hasn’t success so far in education for human rights, so based on this; I say American is not a welfare state.

Not in top ten as highest income per capita countries indicates unemployment rate is high. Many poor people are living in America. Too many immigrants make government confused to services their citizens.

Simple logic, high unemployment rate means there are poor people (lower income) or (middle) has no access to full education and knowledge. That’ right!

Parents with lower income per capita level get trouble in schooling their kids. Government has responsibility to solve this problem. Government establish good quality schools, cut education cost, I have told that government more cares with clever student, gives them free access in education. But government can’t cover all students who having financial problems.

I have posted excite article, Sex and Feces. In that opinion, I try to tell that in the past they don’t have any academic title to survive, Food is easy to get, but now you must have an academic title to get proper and fair job. Fair job means you have fair income also.

Parents need their sons to continue their school to get their son dreaming. The constraint is education isn’t cheap. We must pay high because education is born.

Government as PSO (Public Services Obligation) comes to help poor students. Government has been establishing many states Schools, University and more. Government also makes corporation with private foundation example, church foundation, and distribution into them.

Next post, I will share my information where students get their aid when they have no money to continue their school. The post also for Parents who decide to borrow loans for their better future of their kids.

in my post, I also post more detail about the student loans, federal loans, and student loans consolidation program.


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