My Opinion is my diary

blog is diary. do you agree with me? many blog i seen, look like diary. they put their life, their activities, their problem, and their opinion because of peacefully, happiness. i also do that....

blogging is new internet activity. the philosophy is to replace old diary in paper to online paper so others can read it. if we write on paper, it means our diary is secret and only close friend can read, others cant read.

so when diary goes to internet, to make it impossible to make the diary more visible, more reader. there are two types of diary (in general), private diary (self memory and secret memory) and the last is memory (opinion, experience that can be read others). we use memory that can be read because most people do share their opinion and their experience. when we put in blog and we can others interesting to read our experience and opinion, we have good traffic and indicate that our opinion and knowledge are good and others people love it.

When your diary becomes bigger because of many readers inside, advertiser find himself to promote their product in your diary, the analysis who is your visitors and then choice which products can be promoted in your diary. if your blog talks about woman desire, advertisers find him self to advertise woman products in your diary, that is the advantage for online diary.
While we share our memory and opinion, we get money from it.

what's beyond your blog..


Anonymous,  11.12.07 be a writer..get your idea with experience..i think..

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