Internet and Real World–Bad and Good Men–Sodom and Eden–Honest and Dishonest Men

Expressly, I put his article in my blog(s), Best of the Best Website, Syuradikara and my Metropolis Opinion and to let Cyber people read the article and try to understand, One Bad and Stupid action they did in Internet World (CYBER), One City will attacked the impact.

We live in the real world, natural world where we are living with rules. In real world we get two types of people. Honest and Dishonest, Gentleman and Loser, Bad and Good Men, Naughty and Respectful Men, Boys and Girls, Love and Beloved, Employee and Employer and many more. All of us live together around us. We have third party, called as government to protect our lives, to protect our property and our human rights. Government (Our state) covers us from criminal action against us, to make sure that their citizens are saved without any bad treatments.

When a city is called Criminal City because of high percentage on this population is criminal and crimes are highly happened in that city. Although there are good men in this town, the treatment is change, the city is still Criminal Town because based on some significant researches, percentage of crime in a time. The judgment has been blown by authority (government and the police department) and all good men in crime city do nothing. Good men also blacklist because of their neighbors is criminal.

In judgment decision makers, a policy will taken if majority are sure or more than 50 percent are sure. Democracy is the name.

Internet has the same world with real world. There are Good and Bad Men, Spam and No–Spam (Honest) Blog, Employee and Employer, Love and Beloved, and more. As well as real world, internet has third party (policy and TDL) who covers us from criminal in internet. Internet has become a new continental beside 5 continental in real world.

We also have the same opinion. If Internet city is claimed as SPAMMING it means high percentage of the event are going to crime actions. The internet policemen have the same role with real policemen, try to protect and catch the naughty boys who disturbing their neighbors’ activity in internet.

I found a quite well different between Real World and Internet World (Cyber World) that is rate of cleverness (CLEVERNESS RATE).

Because of internet needs a special knowledge to understand, we can say Internet World covers more clever people than real world. So in Cyber (Internet) is special place for them who have some internet knowledge. Many people in real world has no internet access, has no knowledge to enter internet.

Clever Cyber People can use this knowledge for bad purposes and good purposes. Yeah, this is the point I mean. They do SPAM trick to be rich with instant and shortcut methods, they cut the process to be rich, the use their clever brain for crime.

Short Summary

The question is raised in my mind, Do we claim that in Sodom (crime city) has no good men? Do we claim all of them as Spammer?

Internet allows many people in SODOM to find some junk donuts with natural methods, but because of outsiders claim, the GOOD MEN IN SODOM are also attacked the impact! And the SODOM must be destroyed!


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