Best Monitors for Metropolis Designers

The most overlooked and undervalued purchases that many designers make when budgeting for a new computer system is the monitors or display screen. It’s very vital for the graphic designer because like eyes, the monitor should desribe colors as real as human eye does. Some designers mostly worried about accurate color representation and the white points being too white and whether the monitor is easy to calibrate for color accuracy or not. So, it’s important to choose the correct monitors for designers.

There are two kinds of monitor CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) and LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), but which one suit for the designers? Some say the CRT does but some say that LCD works better. From many monitors for designers review that I read, many designers considered the CRT and most of them also change their mind after trying the new LCD monitor.

Let’s see, CRT can easily found in art environment. So its familiar to many designers. CRT's have better color reproduction and ranges. While LCD’s slimmer look and more “friendly” to our eyes, have sharper pixels, light, ergonomics. They have a nice brightness levels and a smaller footprint. The size is flexible enough to do with your desk space, plus is efficient enough to save the energy. The picture quality of LCD maybe as not as the real black point as seen on CRT. But on the other hand, some of the old CRT monitors can suffer from image distortion problems.

If you care about the expense, well buying CRT was not a big problem, but for LCD? Well, we have to dig our pocket deeper. Though the price doesn’t really represent the quality, but try to be considering with the brand and their technology. Don’t buy inexpensive monitor that work for nothing. The monitor for the designer always underlined the color accuracy. Well the decision is up to you.

Too make the choice; of course we have to compare each of it. We have to consider what is our need, our budget and of course, the brand Buying two different product (CRT an LCD) maybe an expensive solution. But, I can suggest you to really analyze it and study first. It was a cheaper; first step to make up your choice though. There are a lot of computer monitors especially monitors for designers. The specific product qualification makes you; designer can easily figure which among those computers that fit on you.


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