Imagine a brilliant white light above you

title was taken from dream theater lyric on album Scenes from a memory.

Close your eyes and begin to relax
Take A deep breath and let it out slowly............

I find my self when I heard this song... like Mr Eric Clapton said Find myself......... also Yngwie Malmsteen said My Resurrection..

The Duck said when she loss her way of life and think to die, ' May you eat me Mr Pussy Cat?'

When Tom didn't find any tools for running from Mr Stupid Buffalo, Tom just get a cigarette and close his eyes and say, My Buffalo, I surrender!

I dont like Mr Tom Pussy Cat and the The Duck... but I am happy when I watch their movie. Tom is my Best friend, simple thinking, helper and humanism if he is a man.

I hate My Hanna and William. Why?

Because Tom is still loser against Jerry


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