Body Language

Each people has their own talent to learn foreign language. this reason finally make us trouble to speak, write English. I also be part of this one. but I'm not scarred. why? speaking is how to make people understand what your heart thinking. i repeat it again. how to make people understand what do you think. if you have limited vocabulary, it is no matter, you can use you body language. it is no problem. for example. if your friend tells you a funny story, you might to respond with tell him that the story is funny, but if you laugh, your friend understand that the story is funny. with your body reaction, they understand what your heart said. another example for dump people, that the tools to make another people understand, they use another language, isn't?
communication is not only speaking, but you can use your speaking ability, that is better one.

In High School Syuradikara, my English Teacher forced us to learn English. We must spell 100 English Vocabularies and when class is come, he tested us. Everyday we did like that. When he got change to go to Australia to learn who to become good English-teacher, the instructor has open his mind. He knows one thing.

Foreign Language is still foreign language and it is hard to learn. if somebody has lower interest to learn or somebody has no talent in learning foreign language, it is normal because the foreign language is not his mother language it is not big problems.


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